Thanks for making me think! Really enjoying the writing. Keep it coming!

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by Insanely Free

Another insightful gem....xx

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Oh yeah for sure this will be bullshit like everything that ends up on msm, what better way to catch people out than a “long”(relatively short) history of “suppression”/reported events by underdogs... 🤭

Did you see that big practicing of holographics at the KC coronation celebration? Ohh yeah sure they were just a taster, but WE know they already have much more impressive holographics than that in store for their grand finale.

The bible is best fact we have (best documented/confirmed by the most over the longest period of time and held its place to the present day, against all odds), very few even consider that what that means if you don’t believe it, is that you really rationally cannot believe in anything else, because anything else you choose to believe is at best MUCH less evidenced.

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The talk is only recent in the msm. For millenia, drawings, writings from all amcient cultures have depicted alien aircraft and off world beings. There are out in the public domain the majestic 12 documents from the 1950's documenting alien contact that quickly became above top secret. The meetings between off world beings with eisenhower here on earth. The subsequent agreements signed by mj 12 without eisenhower approval trading human dna for advanced tech. The evidence is overwhelming.

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